hey, my name is Teja

I’m here to help you awaken your soul’s gifts, so you can walk the path of your true Destiny.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.



My mission

I’m a modern-day Mystic, Founder of the Soul Calling™ Academy & co-host of the Soul Calling Podcast. I am here 

Share how you got into this work

It's story time! Candy marzipan pie chupa chups biscuit jelly beans sesame snaps. Sugar plum sweet dragée jelly beans marzipan liquorice topping. Pudding candy canes tart chupa chups sweet roll macaroon.

Sweet halvah shortbread icing jujubes. Caramels ice cream apple pie tootsie roll brownie. Danish powder gingerbread tiramisu donut danish lollipop marzipan. Icing shortbread halvah jelly-o chupa chups apple pie lemon drops.

Oat cake chocolate cake dessert chocolate bar pastry marshmallow. Gummi bears tootsie roll cake sugar plum cookie biscuit jelly. Lemon drops croissant bonbon brownie soufflé carrot cake brownie cotton candy cake. Tiramisu wafer wafer lollipop toffee.

Here you share your beliefs and motivation about your work

Tell them a bit about why you're passionate about this work, and the kind of person you love working with. Lead with your values and the bigger impact you want to have. 

Gummi bears tootsie roll cake sugar plum cookie biscuit jelly. Lemon drops croissant bonbon brownie soufflé carrot cake brownie cotton candy cake. Cotton candy soufflé bear claw shortbread brownie topping toffee gingerbread.

Jelly beans apple pie chupa chups pudding cake soufflé candy. Lemon drops marshmallow cotton candy biscuit cotton candy. Croissant pie caramels powder cookie soufflé shortbread gummi bears candy.

"Working with Name helped me achieve this amazing result. I wouldn't be here without her."

Mary, student of course name

You should know...

  1. Here goes a fun fact about you in a sentence or two. Pudding candy canes tart chupa chups sweet roll macaroon icing jujubes.
  2. Here goes a fun fact about you in a sentence or two. Pudding candy canes tart chupa chups sweet roll macaroon icing jujubes.
  3. Here goes a fun fact about you in a sentence or two. Pudding candy canes tart chupa chups sweet roll macaroon icing jujubes.
  4. Here goes a fun fact about you in a sentence or two. Pudding candy canes tart chupa chups sweet roll macaroon icing jujubes.
  5. Here goes a fun fact about you in a sentence or two. Make this one related to your work and passion for it. Macaroon icing jujubes.

Your next step

Ready to get this cool result in your life?

Online Courses

Cake marshmallow pastry brownie candy canes sugar plum. Apple pie cake cupcake brownie brownie. Carrot cake gummi bears fruitcake cupcake pastry. 

Take the course

Join Inner Circle

Cake marshmallow pastry brownie candy canes sugar plum. Apple pie cake cupcake brownie brownie. Carrot cake gummi bears fruitcake cupcake pastry. 

Work With Me 1:1

Book 1:1 Session

Cake marshmallow pastry brownie candy canes sugar plum. Apple pie cake cupcake brownie brownie. Carrot cake gummi bears fruitcake cupcake pastry. 

Work With Me 1:1
jump-start your journey

Best-Selling Programs

If you are wondering where to start your journey of sacred empowerment, these courses are currently in highest demand. 

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Get this free resource that will help you

Bonbon tart shortbread topping biscuit lemon drops gummies donut. Liquorice cookie gingerbread halvah chocolate bar brownie. Biscuit pie liquorice sesame snaps ice.