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Turn your soul purpose into a thriving business

The Business Blueprint For The Spiritual Entrepreneur

Transform Your Soul Calling into a Thriving Soul-Aligned Business


The Soul Calling Business Launch Formula is a transformative nine-month mentorship program for spiritual entrepreneurs who aspire to turn their unique gifts into a successful business.



Elevate Your Purpose

Discover how to transform your highest purpose into a powerful vehicle for creating massive value for your customers.


Mastering Energies

Learn to navigate the energies of business building, working with the natural flows of creation.


Build Authentic Communities

Develop the skills to authentically build and nurture a community, turning them into loyal, repeat customers.


Aquire Essential Skillset 

Gain the comprehensive skillsets needed to create and sustain a thriving, soul-aligned business

By The End Of This Program, You Will Have Practiced and Implemented Everything Necessary To Launch Successful Soul-Aligned Business. 


Experience the transformation and step confidently into your entrepreneurial journey.



The Solution You Have Been Waiting For ... 

A System For Growing Soul-Aligned Businesses


Launching a soul-aligned business isn't just about having a vision or a deep desire to make a positive impact. It requires a clear, actionable system to turn your dreams into reality.

The Soul Calling Business Launch Formula provides a clear roadmap, helping you stay focused on what truly matters.

Our system breaks down your big vision into manageable steps, making the journey less overwhelming and more achievable. It helps you avoid wasted time and procrastination, so you invest your energy in the most important activities that impact your business growth.

It empowers you to take action, knowing that each step keeps you consistently moving forward. This allows you to build momentum and grow your business rather than getting stuck or losing direction.      

Most importantly, it ensures that your actions are in harmony with your deeper purpose and values. Integrating the practical aspects of business building with the spiritual and intuitive creates a cohesive approach that honours your mission and your market.

Let's tackle those challenges together...

What's Standing in Your Way?   



Self-Doubt and Limiting Beliefs

Do you ever feel scared about putting yourself out there and speaking your truth? Self-doubts and limiting beliefs can really hold you back. Our program is designed to help you recognise and break through these barriers so you can step into your full potential.


Money Blocks & ScarcityMindset 

Dealing with money issues, especially when charging for spiritually aligned work, can make it tough to keep an abundant mindset. We'll work on balancing out giving and receiving, helping you embrace abundance in all aspects of your business.


Business & Marketing Know-How

Feeling stuck because you're unsure about the business and marketing side of things? Don't worry. You'll gain the essential skills and insights needed to confidently launch and grow your soul-aligned business.


Fear of Rejection

This is a big one. The fear of rejection can be paralysing when creating something authentic and deeply personal. Worrying about how people will react to your true self and unique offerings is natural. We'll support you on this journey so it doesn't hold you back from fully sharing your gifts and connecting with those who need what you have to offer.



Procrastination isn't just about being lazy or disorganised. Often, it's a sign of deeper, unconscious blocks that keep you from taking action. We address these underlying issues to help you break free from procrastination and start making progress toward your goals.


Feeling Out Of Place In A Modern Business World 

It can be tough to navigate a business landscape that often feels dominated by masculine energy and a relentless focus on money. Being more spiritually inclined and valuing other forms of abundance can make you feel like you don't fit in. This is why we are bringing together a community of like-minded people seeking a more balanced and heart-centred approach to business



You've Come To The Right Place!  





The Soul Calling Business Launch Formula  

9-month in-depth training of turning your soul purpose into a thriving business! 

36 pre-recorded modules

Released weekly in bite size format. These are action taking modules that will help you build your business in a strategic and deliberate way.

Weekly Live 

We will meet weekly to look through your progress and answer any questions. 

Bi-Monthly Workshops

Two monthly 3-hour mindset workshops (18 workshops in total). 

Business Success Meditations

Library of pre-recorded guided meditations designed to energetically support you in embodying your highest vision.

In-Depth Workbook

In-depth workbook with practices and guidelines as a part of your weekly assignments. This includes essential worksheets and checklists. 

Online Private Community 

Online community with daily support. This is where you can ask us questions if you find yourself stumbling upon a road block. This is also where you can connect with others! 

Unlimited Lifetime Access 

lifetime access to all the materials and training, including all the updates that we will create in the future! 

The Overview

The 8 Pillars of SC Business Launch Formula


Birthing Soul Aligned Idea

This process involves tapping into your higher intuitive guidance to understand your soul's calling and clarifying it into a concrete vision. Doing so lets you begin putting things into motion, laying the foundation for a business that truly reflects your soul's purpose. This alignment ensures that every step is deeply connected to your inner guidance, setting the stage for a fulfilling and impactful business journey.


Business Archetypes & Energetics 

With the help of your archetypes, you will discover the true purpose of your business. What are you meant to embody and who you are meant to serve. You will develop practical ways of understanding as well as ways of working with the energies of your natural wiring. With absolute clarity, you will be able to move forward swifly.

The vital role of energy and clearing work in maintaining purity for your soul-aligned business cannot be ignored. As you work with higher levels of energy, it's common to encounter various interferences. You'll learn to identify and clear energetic conflicts and distorted energies that may inhibit your business's progress. This practice helps you maintain a clear, focused, and vibrant, energetic environment for your business to flourish. 


Aligned Mindset 

Developing a powerful daily mindset aligned with your highest purpose is essential. You'll learn techniques to stay focused, build confidence, trust yourself, and remain committed to achieving your goals. Maintaining this aligned mindset will empower you to navigate challenges and stay true to your soul's calling, ensuring lasting success and fulfilment in your business journey.


Personal Management 

The personal management training is designed to equip you with essential skills to manage your time effectively, schedule, plan, and prioritise your tasks. You'll learn proven strategies to avoid procrastination and consistently progress toward your goals. By mastering these skills, you'll be able to focus on what truly matters, making steady advancements in your soul-aligned business with confidence and clarity.


Engaged Community 

Our training emphasises the importance of cultivating an authentic and engaged community. You'll learn how to build a genuine connection with your audience, fostering trust and loyalty. We'll teach you practical strategies and tools to grow and nurture your community, ensuring your business thrives through meaningful relationships and active engagement. By the end of the training, you'll have the skills to create a supportive and enthusiastic community that shares your vision and supports your soul-aligned business.


Your Sacred Offering 

You will learn how to create a sacred offering that truly resonates with your audience. You'll learn to position yourself authentically and communicate your unique value powerfully and clearly. By understanding and conveying the essence of your soul-aligned business offering, you'll attract and connect with those aligned with your mission, ensuring that your sacred offering makes a meaningful impact.


Business Skills & Authentic Marketing 

This training equips you with the knowledge and tools to run and grow a successful soul-aligned business. You'll learn how to develop a solid business model and effectively manage your soul-aligned business's day-to-day operations. We also cover authentic marketing techniques to help you build a genuine audience, ensuring that your marketing efforts resonate with your values and attract those who align with your mission.


Embodiment of Your Soul's Calling 


The Soul Calling Business Launch Formula highlights the profound importance of embodying your soul's calling. This means living your life in alignment with your highest purpose and fully committing to your soul-aligned business. Doing so makes you a powerful example to others, demonstrating the transformative impact of living and working in true alignment with your soul. This embodiment inspires those around you and attracts like-minded individuals to your mission, amplifying your impact and fulfilment in your personal and professional life.


And there is more!

Bonuses When You Enrol:


Bonus #1

1:1 Marketing Strategy Consultation 

30-min marketing strategy consultation with Jeran.

Bonus #2

1:1 Branding Overview

30-min branding consultation with Teja.

Hear From Our Students 



I experienced profound activations, and both workshops unlocked/unblocked so many aspects of myself and my psychic gifts. If you had told me that I'd be opening and holding space for clients to connect with the spirit world to share messages with their loved ones and convey the guidance and wisdom from the Ascended Masters... I wouldn't have believed you! It's mindblowing how far I've come in such a short time.




Teja is an amazing and very authentic teacher. She uses her transformational insights and a very relaxed grounded nature to create a safe sacred space, where as a participant of her work, you can truly open up and trust the process of transformation.

She is a pure clear channel and has the ability to see her students shadows as well as their true potentials, and knows how to guide and support them so they can move out of the comfort zone and being to thrive. Working with Teja is an opportunity for true quantum leap in your life.



When the program ended I ‘woke up’ calmer, stronger and most importantly – I found a loud and strong inner voice that I now let be heard. And the real magic happened when my close family relationships healed overnight, we re-connected, people suddenly changed, my son changed. It is still hard to comprehend how powerful our inner feminine is. I believe my healed inner feminine was finally able to heal the most wounded relationship with the masculine energy in her life and this has sent a healing wave to all other relationships in my life. Thank you Teja!



‘I highly recommend Teja from the bottom of my heart, because she really is a great teacher, an excellent mentor and very gentle person full of light. She’s got an outstanding connection with the spiritual world and shares the most incredible insights. She has helped me in many ways I couldn’t even have imagined before I met her.



Teja’s intuitive readings changed my life, her classes helped me grow and her mentorship opened a new door for me. Her knowledge, experience and amazing intuitive gifts will definitely change your life and help you transform into the best version of yourself. 

As a very valuable mentor she shared important knowledge that enabled me to gain important insights about my own life.

Based on this knowledge I was later able to develop my own business teaching and coaching  techniques and I am now able to support other business-orientated people on their journey of transformation. 

Klavdija Verlak

Payment Options

Ready to achieve your goal? Choose your payment plan:

Pay in Full


  • Receive special discount when you pay in full! 
  • Lifetime access to all materials and updates.

10 payments of


  • Lifetime access to all materials and updates.

20 payments of


  • Lifetime access to all materials and updates.

One-of-a-kind training 

Based On 25 Years of Real Life Experience


In this training, Teja & Jeran bring together the rich experience we both share in the areas of consciousness, spirituality, marketing and running a thriving soul-aligned business. Teja has been working with people for over 20+ years. In this time she has built a thriving school with students from all over the world. Jeran has been running his own successful digital marketing agency for over 10 years.

In this training, they combine their experience and expertise, creating a unique blend of skills and techniques to support you on your journey of achieving your dreams and living a life of your true purpose!


By attending Teja's trainings, I have received a very clear direction, new knowledge, a clear understanding of who I truly am and what my path is supposed to be all about.


Teja motivated me to take different steps towards my true soul calling in life. She possesses an amazing energy, and a real presence. Teja always offer tons of information, “aha” moments, and the necessary motivation for people to truly take action and start living the lives they are meant to be living. I love my new life, where I get to mentor and motivate others!

Tanja Sekirnik

Meet your mentors

Hi, we're Teja & Jeran!


About Teja

Teja Wood is the founder of Soul Calling Academy, an online platform of ancient wisdom for modern times. The academy is a meeting point for like-minded people from all over the world who seek the path of spiritual empowerment and deeper soul alignment. Teja has evolved her business and marketing skills through her entrepreneurial journey, but her biggest strengths lie in branding and content creation.   

Teja has worked with thousands of people over the last 20+ years, helping them navigate their sacred journeys. She has co-founded Soul Calling Academy with her partner Jeran. Together, they create transformational materials, certification courses and retreats around the world, with a shared vision to support the awakening of the higher consciousness of humanity.

Teja is also the mum of a cheeky 8-year-old boy and her two dogs, Ruby and Lainey. Originally from Slovenia (Europe), she now resides in Australia by the ocean with her family.


Jeran Meah

Jeran has been on his own spiritual journey for over 12 years, exploring the principles of higher consciousness while going beyond the typical matrix reality mindset. On his journey of healing and awakening, he has learned valuable lessons, especially about going beyond the shadow feminine and masculine energies that are so prevalent in our world and embodying authenticity, truth, and balance of the sacred masculine.

Jeran has vast business experience and has been a business owner for almost 20 years. He is very knowledgeable about digital marketing strategy, having run his own digital marketing agency since 2012. He has helped many companies grow their businesses by creating customised marketing campaigns to drive sales and revenue for his clients.

He met Teja through a set of synchronicities that turned a random chance meeting through social media into a friendship that eventually led to a genuine sacred soulmate relationship. Jeran joined Soul Calling Academy in 2023 and has played an integral role in anchoring the vision of Soul Calling Academy. He has also co-created with Teja empowering and deeply transformational materials covering different areas of personal and spiritual development.

Our money-back guarantee

Try Our Program For 14 Days, Risk-Free

Join this program for 14 days. If you realise that this training is not for you after 14 days, we will give you back your money. We will ask you to prove that you have successfully implemented the assignments. 


Real talk, my friend...

This Is Your Chance To Build The Life Of Your Dreams. 


We have the experience and the strategy, you have your gifts, passions and your life story. Together, we create magic!  

While 9 months seems a long time, we simply don't believe in overnight success. We believe in building strong foundations, upon which you can build powerful stories that can generate powerful waves of conscious transformation around the world. 

Here's what's waiting for you on the other side:

  • 36 bite size weekly mini modules
  • 8 powerful pillars of building a soul-aligned business
  • weekly live sesssions
  • daily support
  • private online group
  • library of meditations
  • essential worksheets & checklists 
  • community of like-minded people!
  • and much, much more!

Payment Options

Ready to achieve your goal? Choose your payment plan:

Pay in Full


  • Receive special discount when you pay in full! 
  • Lifetime access to all materials and updates.

10 payments of


  • Lifetime access to all materials and updates.

20 payments of


  • Lifetime access to all materials and updates.

This Is It!  

We can't wait to welcome you inside of the Soul Calling Business Launch Formula 9-month journey!